My soul’s smile
The soul’s free will
It is a blessing
Wind of change in my life
Earth of Velvet
I want to live in a better world
The paths of silence
The “Ego” and egocentrism
The first, most beautiful Christmas of my life
I accept responsibilty
My soul’s smile
Many years ago, on my journey of spiritual quests, I had asked one of my teachers, “Where do I find the strength to overcome the difficulties I have faced?” “In the strength of your soul,” she had replied. “It is
The soul’s free will
In the soul’s divine journey, nothing is coincidental. Everything occurs in perfect order and harmony, according to the divine Plan of the Source, our Creator. All things that the mind cannot accept and understand, perceiving them as difficulties and problems,
It is a blessing
It is a blessing to live your life as an adult, assuming responsibility for everything that happens in your life, for all the good and the bad, recognizing in them what it is you have to learn for your evolution.
Wind of change in my life
I feel I am experiencing a new beginning in my life, where I am letting go of the past, the old, the attachments, the delusions and everything else that no longer belongs to what I am today. At the same
Earth of Velvet
Gentleness and tenderness –these were the words of the message we received during today’s hike in Mainalo. Through her tranquillity and sweetness, Mother Earth celebrates her feminine side, her maternal face, nature as nurturer. She, who nurtures our physical, emotional
I want to live in a better world
In mathematics, we can’t expect a different result when working with invariable parameters. Similarly, we can’t hope for a better world without changing the givens that it is made of. And these givens are we the people. All people, regardless
The paths of silence
The mystical tranquillity of snow welcomes us on the day’s trek through the paths of silence. We enter the forest noiselessly, in hushed reverence, one behind the other, linked in a colourful chain meandering up the slope. The curtain of
The “Ego” and egocentrism
I would like to share last night’s thoughts with you because I believe that they will help clear up many things in every person’s mind. Anybody familiar with Pythagorean numerology will know that the Ego is the first lesson in
The first, most beautiful Christmas of my life
SO MUCH TO SAY…WHERE TO START? … A RIVER OF WORDS AND MORE… A quarter past seven in the morning… In a room still plunged in darkness, the alarm clock became the harbinger of the dawning of a new day,
I accept responsibilty
By accepting responsibility —that of my reality, my self and my life—, the responsibility for everything I do, for everything I feel, for everything that happens in my life, I become an ADULT. As an adult being, I attribute responsibility
When the love within us blossoms….
I never liked people who wanted to be on good terms with everybody. Because these people aren’t genuine. It takes courage in life to be genuine … not towards others but mainly towards yourself. To be able to express your
You are worthy
In order for you to be able to find out how worthy, you must first get to know yourself: to understand, to accept and to love yourself in the uniqueness and wholeness of your existence. When you live with awareness
To life’s winners
The month of May was named after the nymph Maia (the root word of today’s midwife), the mother of Hermes (the god of oration and communication), to whom the month is dedicated. So, May is the month that helps something
I reflected on the meaning of progress when I took on responsibility for my life, when I compared “who I was” with “who I am”. When, with an iron will, persistence and patience, I bridged the “then” with the “now”,
To my children
My beloved children, I gave birth to you, I raised you, I supported you, I took care of you, I protected you, I gave you the best of myself, on all levels, both emotionally and financially. I feel I have
The essence of my existence
Creation is the essence of my existence. At every moment of my life, in every domain, I do everything to the best of my ability and knowledge. My every creation expresses a time period of my life and flows according
“On our excursions in the mountains, he always watched the birds flying freely, that was the only thing that gave him pleasure”. Those were the words of a good friend when she had recently lost her husband, he was only
A different kind of Christmas
It is early December and I am now snuggled in my cabin on the mountain, just having returned from my walk near the river surrounded by the enchantment of my beloved nature. It is during those moments, at one with
A new perception of animals
I have had the opportunity, or rather the blessing in my life to grow up with animals in our home. There were nearly always one or more dogs. Some were pure bred some were strays that I found on the
Question Game
Around the world philosophies, religions and people talk about love. The word “love” is referred to as a state among couples. But what does love actually mean? How can we be expected to love someone else if we don’t actually
Something old, something new
How much power do we expend, over months, days moments – due to the importance we give to our mental habits? Christmas is coming so we are “obliged” to be cheerful, to exchange gifts and wishes, to meet with friends…
On my beloved mountain, untouched by tourism, in harmony with another Greece, a Greece of simplicity and authenticity, today December 21st 2014 sitting in my wooden refuge which years before was just a dream, the refuge in which my thoughts
Village Life
“You are attractive and educated, how come you are living in a village?” That question was put to me just yesterday by I woman I ran into. To her, as to many other neighbors I have acquired here, it is
Thank You
I really want to thank YOU! Those of you that are already following my blog, and those who will eventually discover it and find some inspiration, and all of the souls the world over whose very existence has given me
Interpreting Life Events & the Pursuit of Happiness
Most people, in their pursuit of happiness, try to control other people and/or situations that influence their lives. In life however there are those things which we can control, and those which we can’t. If we base our happiness on
Role models for admiration
Role Models for Admiration? Attractive faces, nice clothes, the rich and famous, titles of nobility, grand homes, social recognition… Those are the images we are conditioned to admire: on the internet, in magazines, and very often in day to day
Punishment for Inhumanity and Indifference
The last few years that I’ve been living in a village in central Greece I’ve experienced many wonderful things, but I’ve also realized that here as well as in the large cities brutality exists. When you are living in the